September 19, 2008

So We Kick Off

I welcome you all to our very own football blog. We wanted to call it kickoff but due to some reason and a few errors on my system and not to mention frustration we ended up naming it earlykickoff. Nevertheless as the name suggests we’ll try our best to be ahead of our peers and present to you our views about clubs, matches and our predictions before the kick off. We would vow to be as unbiased as possible be it our posts or our comments.We started of this blog in the blogspot but would shift this to another site wherein we would have a web page of our own.


We would welcome participation from you all irrespective of the club that you support.


I would like to clearly highlight our comments policy:


  1. Please do not login into our blog using the blog’s id to either view the blog or to post a comment. Please login into the blog only to publish a post of your’s.
  2. Please do not indulge in mud slinging of any sort. We believe this blog to be for the sane ones and we would like to stick to that policy.
  3. A member indulged in any kind of mud slinging or abuses would be warned first and thereafter banned if he/she continues to deny the policies of this blog.
  4. Please avoid using the chat/sms lingo. It would help the readers immensely if you resort to plain simple English.
  5. Avoid using Caps for conveying your message. Sentences with caps lock on suggest that you are shouting at the reader.
  6. Avoid using bold font for your posts unless you really want to emphasize.


So wishing you all once again  happy blogging and seriously hoping for some stimulating football discussions .


PS : We would take great pleasure if you the spread the word about this blog to as many friends as possible.


mavevik said...

When you want to read a post click on the title of the post and that will direct you to a page of that post.This will be helpful for you as you can easily read the ensuing comments related to the post

DuffuTalks said...

go mandak....

Rakesh said...

At least we can stop flooding others emails with our footer talks.
I love reading them but I am sure most guys in "theater of dreams" must have got bored.

Rahul said...

There should be some kind of a method to get alerts when a new post is up. I'm thinking people can subscribe to the blog's feed in google reader or something like that. Come up with ideas.

Ilango said...

i feel you should keep off the adverts for a while! i watched soccerlens grow as a blog and that dude put in a lot of effort in the first year or so... didn't have any adverts but had quality posts..

once he got a fair amount of traffic, he started putting the adverts to rake in the moolah...

i feel quality of product is right now more important, and having ads can really put off some of the readers... let's keep it non-profit for some time :-)

mavevik said...

Yeah probably right Lango , we need to sell the quality of this site and that can happen through the posts. We need to give something extra that would make readers like even us to visit the blog regulary. I think we somehow need to device where we can post the daily news and analysis of the same.It is a pity that , we dont have so much time for that right now.

Even ratings of players after a match can help. I atleast used to visit the soccerlens ealrier just for the ratings.

Rahul said...

the first thing we need to do is give the blog something extra, something that the other sites or blogs do not. think in those terms...what can we do that could be different and exclusive to this blog? i visit F365 because they cover everything from news to columns to mediawatch, while being a bit humorous.

TT said...

Great Initiative. Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Guys I am not much of a follower of footer but I am excited about this idea of blog. Hope I develop some enthusiasm for footer from all of this. I have one suggestion, a logo for this blog would be nice. I can work on it if you guys want.

mavevik said...

Hey Tarun thanks and nice to see you here. Hope u put in a lot of arsenal stuff as you must have seen , we could do with one now.

Bhayya , great to see you here. We'll definitely try to make as interesting as possible to everyone and it would be grateful of you if you can get us a logo.

Rahul said...

Guys I think we can do without that big nike logo on top of our blog. If you wish i could get a couple of original ones done by one of my friends at office who does these things.

knink said...

hmm..having some nice pics of the game would be good when posting the summary of that game.. some turning point pics and stuff..?

RedViv said...

@ rahul yeah getting a logo would be great

and yeah we shud put in some pictures too

Rahul said...

ok i'll get a logo done...having a we kick off somewhere on it. i'll post a couple of designs and we could then choose from them.

ya i guess a couple of match pics will spice the blog up.